A new project

A new adventure that comes from the desire to experiment and create.

Our history and our achievements are important, they are the engine and inspiration that make us dream and create every day but we just can't resist the curiosity and desire to explore.

Roberto Callegari doesn’t lose its history and its tradition but is enriched with new visions: we want to tell you about our idea of beauty and femininity.

Research and curiosity, this is what has always moved us and allows us to always create new projects.

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The Emerald

One of the gems that has most characterized the tradition and design of Roberto Callegari's creations is certainly the emerald.

The name of this magnificent stone comes from the greek smaragdos which means “green gem”. In ancient times, all green colored gems were called emeralds and it is only in more modern times, with the progress of analysis, that it was possible to distinguish the various species.

Emerald is part of the beryl mineral family, also known as "the mother of gems" due to its highly prized varieties. It owes its color to chromium, vanadium and iron, the various concentrations of which result in an extraordinary range of greens. According to experts, the most precious emerald shade is the one that combines an intense green with the highest transparency.

"There is really no other stone whose color gives joy and refreshment to the eye like this one, since there is no more intense green than its color".

Plinio il Vecchio - Naturalis Historia

The main fields are found in Colombia, Zambia, Brazil, Zimbabwe.

This stone is traditionally linked to prosperity, youth and immortality and is the birthstone of May. The vibrant intensity of its color together with the positive symbolism that characterizes it, have made the emerald a source of inspiration and magical beauty.

Emeralds, like all gems, have numerous internal characteristics. These peculiarities represent the details of their history, as rare as the material from which they derive. Each stone, like every jewel, is a unique creation that comes to life not only thanks to nature, but also through the gem cutter who shaped it, the jeweler who gave it new shape and the setter who made it possible.

A wonderful story hidden in every little detail.

25 February 2022